Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Social Work

Since I can no longer handle being a stay at home mother I have sent 21 fabulous resumes so I can again rejoin the lovely world of social work. I have worked in the field for four years prior to having ava. It was quite sucky. Of course I thought that I would save children and better the world. What a load of crap! No money, constantly understaffed and generally dealing with the darker side of humans...and not to mention I was paid dick and had to have a second job. Actually I did not completely hate social work. I still would like to be in a helping profession. I especially would like to be a relief worker that helps displaced persons and the like. That way I could travel, help people and see real life in other countries not just Sandals resorts. Of course I am now limited to a point because of my one year old. Would it scar her for life if I went to another country for a month, would it scar my relationship with her father and would I miss them too much? And of course in my freak out mind...would I weirdly be killed or get a nasty disease? Then I would not fulfill my responsibility to my family. So meanwhile I will apply to graduate school to get an MSW. Something I wanted to do anyway but relationships, depression and a kid got in the way. I have to get into the adult world again. All this time to ponder is making me batty.


At 9:17 AM, Blogger deahsella said...

yay, comments!

welcome to blogger, camille! glad to hear you're thinking about school...dave finally graduated after only 3 1/2 yrs. of undergrad, and i know he felt much better getting that over with after so much time spent in the air force. but really, it would be a good way for you to meet people there, don't you think?

how far is meadville from s.c.? does steven still know anyone here?

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Maggie Moo said...

it is about 3 hours and 20ish minutes from SC. Anyone Steve knew here is long gone. I don't believe it is a place that people habg around without major purpose. Yes grad school will add to my career (did I just say that?) and hopefully my social life.


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