Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Mother in Law

Icky. My future mother in law visited this weekend. It was icky. I always thought I would be friends with my mother in law. Now I realize this was only a pipe dream. We are uncomfortably friendly with each other and force ourselves to speak to each other. And Steven is not much help because he hardly speaks to her either. In fact they speak to each other more when I leave the room. She is a nice woman and I believe she means well most of the time but there is this weird underlying control thing going on. Plus she is a bit too demanding when it comes to Ava and that hits a nerve. I was hoping this could all be remedied over time but after two years little has changed. Using guilt as a tactic to get your way discredits a person in my book. So how do I improve this situation?


At 11:44 AM, Blogger deahsella said...

Damn! Four posts in one day! You MUST be loving the cable modem!

Anyway, you HAVE met Dave's mom, right? Well you wouldn't know her attempts at using the guilt...Les can testify to this as well. It's horrible. But it's been so long, and it's so horrible, that he and I BOTH joke about it and ignore her attempts. I'm sure the horribleness doubles when there's a child involved (Les?)...although in that sense I suppose our father-in-law is worse (see her post on the topic). Anyway, point is, you put up with it while she's there, smile and nod, and then when she leaves, go on doing the things the way you two plan on doing them. Sooner or later you just get so tired of the guilt trips that you end up putting your foot down in conversations as well, which is really satisfying when you get to that point in the relationship. :-)

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Maggie Moo said...

yeah, i am sure it will get a bit better, or i will handle it better. i just hate her either complete obliviousness or her complete blatantness towards issues. i can't figure out if she is just really stupid or just incredibly manipulative. In either case it makes me want to do the opposite of whatever she wants. Phooey on her!


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