Sunday, November 20, 2005


I am looking forward to Thanksgiving because we have sort of adopted it as our holiday. Because we live away from family we are forever traveling hours and hours for the festivities. It is nice to be in your own home for a holiday. Anyway this year we are having turkey stuffed with citirus fruit, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, corn and salad. For dessert either pumpkin pie or pumpkin pudding pie. Steven deosn't like pumpkin pie which is just crazy. I also have to make a secondary dessert to celebrate Ava's birthday. Eventhough we already had a party for her we have to do it again because Steven's mother and Aunt are coming. My only Thanksgiving burden is having to cook for a woman who hates me. But I shall drink alot of wine and enjoy the football game.


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