Monday, November 27, 2006

The Aftermath

So Thanksgiving went OK. The food turned out really well especially the baked pineapple and cream cheesy pumpkin pie. Steven and I went to Wal Mart @ 3AM to stand in the toy line. It was actually fun. People were crazy and ridiculous but most of them were nice. We had a good time and got Ava a VSmile, Thomas Tank Train Set and a Cabbage Patch doll. She is quite spoiled this year. Between Xmas and her birthday she is getting so much stuff. Plus she is having her big party. We also put up our Christmas tree, outside lights and other decorations. We are truly festive this year and Ava is just amazed by it all.

In other news, school sucks. I just have no motivation this year. Part of my problem is that there are 50 million group projects. I hate group projects especially when you cannot pick your group. For example, in one group two of the members cannot write well at all. I am not a perfect writer but I know when to combine a sentence and not to use "also" SEVEN times in one paragraph. Do I tell these people what I really think or do I just say it looks good and take a poor grade? I will probably do the latter because I hate to hurt people's feelings and I don't want any extra stress. I really hope this master's degree is worth all this time and effort.


At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

marie! i am happy to see you blogging again, it's like we're catching up. fab. stick with school. just remember it's nothing like the real world. group projects are totally gay - yes, we all work in groups in the real world, but in that case everyone has an actual job to do, instead of one person doing all the work. and you're located in the same place. just keep at it!!

At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. Do you still play pinnochle? I googled it and a comment you made popped up as one of the links.

At 6:16 AM, Blogger Maggie Moo said...

yes i do.


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