Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Yeah Thanksgiving! My husband and I love Thanksgiving because we have claimed it as our holiday...meaning we stay home and cook. Anyone who wants to see us has to come to dinner. We spend so much time driving on the holidays to visit family. It stresses us out and makes our time off seem so much shorter. This year we are having turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade rolls, baked pineapple, brown sugar carrots, baby sweet corn, mixed salad with apple dressing and creamcheese pumpkin pie. It is a bit of an undertaking but I am excited. Steven's Mom and Cousin Jane will be coming which which should be interesting.
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone! Eat until your pants pop open!


At 9:01 PM, Blogger ShellBug526 said...

Hope it went well, one of these years, we may have to try this whole Thanksgiving at home thing. Right after I learn to cook...


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