Thursday, March 24, 2005

Does Anybody Even Still Read This?

I am such a poor blogger. At this point I am sure no one is reading but what the hell? I started a job and quit after three days. Part of my job was educating parents how to clean and in one case it invovled cleaning up dogshit in a house full of trash and lice. I just couldn't do it. It sucks because of we need the money but I actually liked the people I met. I liked getting out of the house and talking to someone in person besides Steven and Ava. I just recently realized how lonely I am. I must give props to my friends Adam and Les for moving a 1000 miles away where they knew no one. I have applied to three more jobs. We'll see how it goes. It is difficult because we are currently sharing one car so my job needs to be in town, along the same time schedule as Steven's, pay enough to cover daycare and have enough left over to be worth it. It makes me tense.
We visited my parents for an extended weekend. It was nice eventhough we were all sick. I really like hanging out with my parents. I just love playing Pinnochle all night. We looked at several different reception locations and after we calculated we discovered we can't really afford any of them. It is a bit depressing. We knew it would be tough. It just seems that everything is a struggle lately. Trying to stay and feel healthy, getting our heads above water financially and just feeling like we are working towards some sort of a future. The late twenties suck a bit for me. I am sure there are plently of you out there who think they are great but I struggle. I almost feel like a am just devastated to find out that this is life. Like I can't even remember the person I was five years ago. I know we change and evolve, and that is good. But I am tired, I miss the fun, that carefree feeling, the eternal optimism and the excitement for a new day. Maybe it is just a faze, I would hate to be jaded at 27.


At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still read it

At 8:06 AM, Blogger deahsella said...

Yay, new post! Of course we still read it! :-)

It's hard to struggle with all those things and stay optimistic. I don't know how *I* do it, but I do. I may hate my job, but I leave it behind at the end of the day and do something fun when I get home. I know that it is imperative to my happiness that I don't just sit at home w/ Dave all day...we'd never have anything to talk about if we didn't go out and interact with other people. I think once you either find a job, or start a class, that stimulation outside of home will make you feel much happier.

At 12:08 PM, Blogger Maggie Moo said...

Well thanks all for your continued support :) Btw I know all will improve in time but I can't help the bitching now. I amm just a vocal kinda gal.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Leslie Welch said...

How i love the long posts! The late twenties just suck. It won't last much longer. We were not raised to be ghetto-fabulous. At least we have our fat ones to distract us.


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