Monday, April 25, 2005

Non Profit

I began my new job today working at a residential treatment facility for adolescent females. The company I work for is non profit. The difference between for profit and non profit is just amazing. At the other for profit residential I worked for the children were taken on outings often shopping but the children had no money to spend. Or some of the kids did and some of them were left to watch their peers shop and brag. My new place pays the kids a dollar for every chore they do. They also work with the kids doing fundraisers. They taught the girls how to crochet and I was amazed to see their work. They sell their blankets and get to keep the money. Now granted a dollar a day is not a ton of money but at least they feel like they have something. And seven bucks can go a long way at The Dollar Store.

The non profit also has a pool on the premise, a playground and a greenhouse. The kids actually have interesting recreation. At the for profit they had a field, old gym equipment and a "nature walk" that was covered with brush. The non profit has a school building that looks like a school building, instead of random rooms where ever they can be found. The non profit has cable, a dvd player and a playstation. The for profit had tvs that only worked half the time and they never had cable.

These differences are astounding when it comes to quality of life and, therefore, quality of treatment. Although this non profit organization is still far from ideal, it is nice to see that there are places that put back into their programs and care about the client.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Straw Lovin'

Ava learned to sip through a straw today while we were at Red Lobster. Steve forgot her sippy cup so I tried to teach her like I had about five times before and she just knew how to do it. It is just funny the things you don't think about. At one point we all had to learn how to use a straw.


So I officially have a new job which I start in a week. I will counseling adolescent girls who live in a residential treatment facility. I have done this type of work before and it is always high stress. Luckily it should only be temporary because I hope to quit when I start grad school. Today I went in for paperwork and one of the staff mentioned that the girls were jumping the female staff. How exciting. Apparently one of the staff quit after an incident and another went to the hospital. Not exactly the most welcoming comment. Although I should not be too suprised because the girls only come from the inner city.

Friday, April 08, 2005

123 High

I have recently decided to put all of my photos and memorabilia into albums chronologically in order to document my life for my daughter. I had many in small albums but I also have about two Rubbermaid tubs full of random pics. I already have three albums done and have not even scratched the surface. This is going to take a while. I really am enjoying this because I am reliving all these crazy memories, good and bad. I haven't realized that I have lived so much. What will it feel like in twenty years? I will probably have to have a room just for memories. I am such a sap. When I see some of these pics I go back to random scenes in my mind and remember the smells more than anything. Like 123 High St, an apartment of some of my friends that we all sort of lived at, smelled like a mix of smoke, marijuana, insence, parrot poop and at times a bit of trash and stale beer. I can remember the smell of the couches that I passed out on about one million times and the faint odor of pizza that came from the bar across the street.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Reggae Weather

Finally the snow has melted after having another 12 inches last week. It is now reggae weather. Bob Marley Legend all the way. We have also purchased a fabulous tent with screened in sides to put over our patio. I love eating dinner outside especially without bugs.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Weddings are in the air. Not only is my fabulous friend Laura getting married in July but now my friend Julie has just decided to get married this May 7th. I would also like to mention that we have still not found a suitable reception location. The one place we both love is completely out of our budget. One positive is that we found a reasonably priced photographer, finally. With all this wedding stress I wonder if Julie has the right idea...a small ceremony with an intimate dinner and a big casual BBQ a few months later. Not a bad idea.


I just finished reading Ya-Yas In Bloom by Rebecca Wells. Very good, not as good as Divine Secrets or Little Altars but I love reading anything I get on The Ya-Yas. I have to agree with my friend Les, southern women are fabulous. Sitting on the porch, playing cards and drinking iced tea is the life. Plus having your best friends living in the same town...whoo hoo. Oh I miss my girlfriends.