It's getting heavier...
So I have had an abnormal test which lead to some concern by my doctor. Apparently I have some "abnormalities" and thos abnormalities are in the "high risk" category for cancer. So I have another procedure done which is incredibly uncomfortable and a bit painful. A lovely biopsy. Now I wait a week to find out if I have cancer.
Now don't go getting all nutty. It is a more rare cancer and more treatable one if caught early. However it may affect my ability to carry a pregnancy which is really upsetting me. I have been a bit in denial about what I have been told. I have known about it since January and of course thought there wasn't really anything wrong. I can't help but have visions of a bald sickly person wasting away and never getting to see her daughter grow up. That is a bit of an over reaction. Hey with 1 in 4 people getting cancer should I really be surprised to be a candidate?