Conquering The Couch
Ava has officially learned to climb onto the couch. It is an emotional day for all.
Ava has officially learned to climb onto the couch. It is an emotional day for all.
So this evening I was at the Country Fair which is a mini mart where I was purchasing a new bridal magazine and an iced tea. As I was waiting in a really long line to be checked out, there were two slightly rowdy male mullets in front of me. One mullet said to the other mullet quite loudly, "Any self respecting white male would have punched that N-word in the face." Now, I cannot believe that there are still people that speak this way, let alone say it so loudly in a public place as if they were trying to make sure everyone could hear them. Luckily, there were no African Americans in the store because I would have been even more horrified. I was certainly not the only person who was obviously disgusted. It was such a gross experience.
I love Pinnochle. It is just the most wonderful card game. My parents taught Steve and I last year and when ever we get together we play. I always thought it was an old persons game because all my great aunts and uncles play. But it is fabulous.
My parents visited this weekend. Ava actually cried for a while after they left. It was so great to know that she actually knows them and wants them to be around. It was a worry of mine that when we moved so far from them that Ava would not know them. Yea!
On Friday I received a package in the mail. It contained half of my Pink Floyd box set, one roll of developed pictures and a note that must have been written about 2 years ago by the context. It was from a friend I have not spoken to in about a year and a half. I was friends with this girl for a good 5 years. She was not the ideal friend. She had issues and rubbed many people the wrong way. I admit she got on my nerves frequently but I knew her past and why she was this way. She was the girl that required alot of attention and measured her worth by others. She could be petty and treated people differently to their face than behind their back. She had a big jealous streak and was possessive of me friendshipwise.
So there was a big expose on school cafeteria food on tv. Somewhere about forty five kids got food poisoning from cafeteria food. So the news program toured several cafeterias with health inspectors and found rodent feces, improper food temperatures and general uncleanliness. Then they did a larger study by pulling health inspector reports from two years ago on schools in major cities around the country. All were had major violations 20% or more of the time. Same types of violations...rodents! wrong temperatures! unclean utensils! unclean food containers! They spoke with one school administrator re: hamburgers found 2o degrees under temperature. The administrator said no one would have gotten sick because the were not sitting out long enough. The health inspector disagreed. No apologies, how crazy is that. On national tv this administrator blew it off. I guess I 'll be packing Ava's lunch when she goes to school. Thank God we pay school taxes. We give our children over to strangers for 8 hours a day trusting them with their safety and they can not even give them healthy food.
Can I just say that The Notebook was one of the most romantic movies ever made? I am sorry I did not wait for Valentine's Day to watch it with Steven. Although his mother may be coming that weekend and that really turns down the heat.
We bought a 2005 Honda CRV today. It is dark blue and fabulous. We drove around for about an hour. It is so exciting, our first real purchase together as a family. I am feeling all mushy about getting married. Ava actually was a bit scared at first. It is amazing that she recognizes the difference of the new car and had to get used to it.
I am still looking for a job that won't make me want to puke. No success so far. The job hunting process is so icky. Sending all the resumes and writing the cover letters is the worst. It seems as though they never read them anyway. Not to mention the annoying interviews with generic question after generic question. Yuck.
I have been neglectful, I know. We have been a bit stressed out this week. Our SUV needs almost 1500 in work in order to pass inspection. This was quite a suprise, we knew we needed brakes but not all the other nonsense. So then we thought, let's just buy a new car. So we have spent the past week checking out vehicles. Tomorrow we will have a brand new Honda CRV. A fabulous dark blue color. We actually did not want a SUV because of the gas usage. But we needed something large enough for frequent travel and something that could handle the snow. Weirdly we were unable to get approved for the Subaru Legacy which was our first choice so we ended up with an SUV anyway. This is my first non American car. I feel a bit guilty and I can just imagine what my grandfather will say.